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Saturday 15 September 2007

Talksport Radio - George Galloway

He was the youngest-ever chair of the Labour party in Scotland, and for 18 years he was a Labour MP for a Glasgow constituency. He was thrown out for his opposition to the war on Iraq and successfully unseated a New Labour councillor in Bethnal Green and Bow, East London, standing for the Respect party. He is the author of an autobiography; I'm Not The Only One, and he has book out - The Fidel Castro Handbook – hitting the shelves soon. He has met Castro many times and on one occasion went for a moonlight swim with the Cuban president, but has thus far refused to confirm what colour Speedos the Cuban leader was sporting – if any!Castro is not the only controversial political figure George has shared company with either. ‘Gorgeous’ George has also shared tea and biscuits with now displaced-despot and all round bad guy that is former president of Iraq, Saddam Hussein, and his sons Uday and Qusay, who were known to be fond of torturing footballers that couldn’t beat Barcelona blindfolded.You may also remember George from parading on your TV screens in a leotard and drinking out of Rula Lenska’s lap whilst pretending to be a cat in Celebrity Big Brother and George says he finds it strange how no one ever questions him about these antics and how it just seemed to slip past the media’s attention unnoticed.

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